Thursday, April 7, 2011


April 30, 2011- Went to pet the cow at Whole Foods AND got free ice cream! Who can beat that deal???

April 29, 2011- Syd is teaching Josh how to ride the tricycle

April 28, 2011- Well, it finally happened. Despite my begging and pleading, Jacob cut his hair off. And wouldn't you know it, he is still one of the cutest kids I know!

April 27, 2011- It is 31 cent scoop night at Baskin Robbins!!

April 26, 2011- We all have Cubs fever!

April 25, 2011- Jacob went to his first Cubs game at Wrigley Field with his Dad. He was on television!!

April 24, 2011- I try and try to get good pics of my whole family and always my favorite is the silly one.

Ok, so I tried to do a good job with this and totally dropped the ball in April. Instead of trying to backtrack and figure out if I had more pictures I could put in here, I have decided to just jump back in right where I am at and try to be better.

April 6, 2011- I love my family.

April 5, 2011- Syd deep in thought in her new favorite outfit.

April 4, 2011- Sam's pretty smile.

April 3, 2011- A Dad and his guys.

April 2, 2011- Boys hard at work.

April 1, 2011- Go Cubs!

1 comment:

  1. Your family is beautiful! I love all the hair!

    How incredibly offensive it is to not work with an "average" child because of test scores! It's all about test scores! Also, I don't think the term "special needs" is offensive. It covers a lot of issues without having to name just one.

    I will never again consider it an achievment to have my kids in a school that has great test scores because I'll know the school sold it's soul to get them. I'd rather just have an excellent teacher.

    I'll be fighting this fight the entire time my kids are in school. At least I'm prepared for that.

    Thanks for commenting!
