Thursday, April 7, 2011


April 30, 2011- Went to pet the cow at Whole Foods AND got free ice cream! Who can beat that deal???

April 29, 2011- Syd is teaching Josh how to ride the tricycle

April 28, 2011- Well, it finally happened. Despite my begging and pleading, Jacob cut his hair off. And wouldn't you know it, he is still one of the cutest kids I know!

April 27, 2011- It is 31 cent scoop night at Baskin Robbins!!

April 26, 2011- We all have Cubs fever!

April 25, 2011- Jacob went to his first Cubs game at Wrigley Field with his Dad. He was on television!!

April 24, 2011- I try and try to get good pics of my whole family and always my favorite is the silly one.

Ok, so I tried to do a good job with this and totally dropped the ball in April. Instead of trying to backtrack and figure out if I had more pictures I could put in here, I have decided to just jump back in right where I am at and try to be better.

April 6, 2011- I love my family.

April 5, 2011- Syd deep in thought in her new favorite outfit.

April 4, 2011- Sam's pretty smile.

April 3, 2011- A Dad and his guys.

April 2, 2011- Boys hard at work.

April 1, 2011- Go Cubs!